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Hurt Feelings Report

A free typeable “hurt feelings report” to let someone know what they did and how they can compensate you.

Hurt feelings report

If someone has hurt your feelings and you need to file an official report, then you have come to the right place!

Do you know that feeling when someone hurt your feelings and might not even be aware of it? Sometimes they don’t know what they did and how it made you feel. This hurt your feelings report is a cute and funny way to let them know what happened and how they can compensate you to make you feel better.

Hurt feelings report

Hurt feelings formDownload the funny printable as a PDF or Word document below.

Which format is the best for you?

The hurt feelings report PDF is editable and printable. You can type your details before you print it or fill them out by hand after you print it.

The Word version is better if you want to make changes to the actual form.

The images are quick and easy to print, but you cannot edit them in any way. Be sure to print both pages. To print the images click on each page above.

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