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Celebrities Who Violently Flipped Out In Public

The untimely 2012 death of 28-year-old actor, Johnny Lewis, would have been shocking no matter the circumstances, considering his extremely young age. But then the details came out, all of which seemed to indicate that he had committed one of the most bizarre murder suicides in Hollywood history.

According to The New York Daily News, Lewis was found dead in the driveway of the Loz Feliz home where he was renting a room. Inside the house, police found the body of Lewis' 81-year-old landlady, Catherine Davis, as well as a dead cat which had been dismembered. Apparently, Lewis, who just days before plead no contest to a seperate charge of assault the a deadly weapon, had attacked and killed Davis and the cat, then left the house and had another violent altercation with a neighbor. Sometime afterwards, he returned to Davis' home where he appeared to have leapt to his death.

But instead of the autopsy proving his suicide via a drug-addled toxicology report, it was revealed that Lewis was stone sober when he died, which, by the way, was ruled as an accident since there was no "definitive evidence that the decedent intended to kill himself," according to L.A. County Senior Deputy Medical Examiner James K. Ribe (via E! News). He did, however, have scratches on his neck, which were interpreted as wounds he possibly got from Davis fighting for her life. It was later revealed that Lewis was struggling with "psychopathy or bipolar disorder," and had recently gone off his medication because he couldn't afford it. Just an absolute awful tragedy all around.
