Black-eyed Susan has been known to cause mild poisoning in cattle and pigs. It may also be dangerous to cats, dogs and other household pets. This flower should also be kept away from small children, who may chew it or get the sap on their skin.Click to see full answer. In respect to this, can you eat black eyed Susans?The Black Eyed Susan(Rudebekia) is an easily recognizable plant native to most of North America. The plant is diuretic and was used by the Menominee and Potawatomi. Juice from the roots had been used as drops for earaches. The spring greens can be cooked and eaten.Beside above, what does a Black Eyed Susan symbolize? Symbolism: Black Eyed Susans symbolize encouragement and motivation. Grow Details: Black Eyed Susans are extremely hardy plants, and very tolerant of different conditions. Height: Stalks on Black Eyed Susans grow to 3 feet tall. Secondly, are Black Eyed Susans dangerous for dogs? Flowers. Plants like Iris, Dogwood, Lilacs, Geraniums, Poppies, Daisies, and Black-eyed-Susan are not likely to cause severe or life-threatening symptoms. Large ingestions of these plants could cause vomiting, diarrhea, dermatitis, or even lethargy.Is Black Eyed Susan A climber?Black-eyed Susan Vine, Thunbergia alata. Thunbergia alata is a fast-growing, free-flowering vine. The plant is a rambler, climbing by twining (growing in a spiral up a support) rather than by clinging or producing tendrils as some other vines do.